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Paramveer Singh Dhoorh (Sunny Dhoorh)


Paramveer Singh Dhoorh, also known as ,  Sunny Dhoorh , is an influential entrepreneur, social activist,  community organizer and politician based in Michigan, USA. He is the Chief Advisor of Democratic Party (DNC)  in Michigan. He is also Vice Chairman of DNC in Michigan .  Additionally, he is also a member of  State Central Committee in Michigan. He is also a  member of the Michigan Democrat Indian Caucus. He is the first Indian to be awarded the Man of the Year award three times by the state of Michigan

He is also very active in leadership roles in Indian  diaspora in USA.  He currently holds position as the Vice President  of the Indian National Overseas Congress (INOC) in  USA and as President of INOC in the state of Michigan. He is the first Indian to be awarded the Man of the Year award three times by the state of Michigan. He was  also awarded the American Pacific Asian Award from the state of Michigan. He was awarded the Amazing Asian Award in 2008. He was awarded the Humanitarian Award 2008-2009. He is the founder and president of the Punjabi Cultural Society of Michigan.

Sunny is not only a leader of Punjabi community of USA he is also known for this advocacy for Saini community of Punjab.  Sunny, as is obvious from him last name, is a Yaduvanshi Saini Rajput of Dhoorh clan. His ancestral village is Jaijon near Dasuya in district Hoshiarpur of Indian Punjab.  He started his political career back in Indian Punjab as a popular youth leader in Congress party. He is also a powerful voice against caste based reservation  for prosperous and socially ascendant communities  including his own. In 2017 he also led a delegation of Saini community to meet President of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee , Sh. Sunil Jakhar , for this purpose. 

As of 2019 , following is an itemized list of prestigious positions Sunny has held  in DNC and  INOC:

  • Two Term Chief Advisor Democratic Party  (DNC) in Michigan
  • Two Term Vice Chairman Democratic Party  (DNC) in Michigan
  • Three Term State Central Committee Member State of Michigan
  • Three Term Executive Member Michigan Democratic Congress(mdic)
  • President of Punjabi Cultural Society of State of Michigan for last 18 year
  • Senior Vice President, Indian Overseas Congress USA for last 10 year
  • President, Indian National Overseas Congress State of Michigan for 10 years  

Additionally, he also holds  following positions for Saini organizations in USA and India:
  • President, Jadobansi Saini Rajput Mahasabha ,  USA Chapter
  • President, Saini Society of Punjab, India